I have family and friends living and working in larger cities, and some in different states. I often get the question, “How do you even live and work in a rural town? How did you grow up like this? What do you do? How many people do you work with? Do you like being in such a small town…isn’t it boring?” My answer? A big smile and a, “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

Here’s what they don’t know…

IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS. Lending your mower to a neighbor when theirs quits on them. Giving the people on your street bags of sweet corn when there is an overabundance in your family field. A random act of kindness, when an unknown person blows the snow out of your driveway during a winter apocalypse (shout out to whoever you are!).

IT’S SMALL BUSINESSES SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES. Supporting your local eatery on taco night so there is a place to bring friends and family when they are in town. Joining your local fire department for a fundraiser so they can purchase new equipment to better serve the people of their community. Taking your vehicle to the local body shop when you have a break down, and them offering you a ride back to work when it is negative 10 degrees outside.

IT’S THE AGRICULTURE. Passing down generations of knowledge about the land, crops, and livestock that we work with daily. Planting and tending to your garden and reaping the benefits of the produce. Farmers and ranchers working together to locate livestock that was lost in a recent flood or storm. Neighbors coming together to help the other during harvest. Spending time with family and teaching them how to care for the land and livestock.

IT’S WORKING FOR SMALL BUSINESSES. A business that believes in family values. A company that supports other businesses around the area. Coworkers supporting each other and their own families.

IT’S FINDING OUR OWN FUN. Ice fishing on an old farm pond. Attending county and state fairs with family and friends. Four-wheeling down a dirt road. Farming with family. Attending a concert at a town celebration to help fundraise for a local family in need.

I’d say it doesn’t sound boring at all.

But if someone asks me? I’m simply living the dream.