It finally feels like spring, and soon it will look more like it, too. Flowers and many outside surroundings will begin to explode with color! Color is great, but you should be aware of what different colors can represent. If you are building a brand, before you pick those permanent colors for your logo know what they mean and how they might work together with the colors. Take a look below to see what some of the main colors can represent.

RED: energy, war, danger, passion, desire, love, strength, power, determination

ORANGE: joy, enthusiasm, happiness, creativity, success, encouragement, adventure

YELLOW: optimistic, cheerful, playful, happiness, intellect, caution, hazardous

GREEN: nature, finance, wealth, environment, growth, sustainable, prestige

BLUE: reliability, trust, calm, communication, sadness, depression, dependable

PURPLE: royalty, majesty, spiritual, mysterious, luxury, feminine, sentimental, nostalgic

BROWN: organic, wholesome, simple, honest, grounded, strong, durable

PINK: sentimental, exciting, romantic, feminine, sweet, youthful, energy, fun

BLACK: sophisticated, formal, luxurious, sorrow, serious, power, death, evil, mystery, bold, classic

WHITE: purity, simplicity, innocence, minimalism, perfection, sterile, clean, modern

MULTIPLE COLORS: diversity of people, countries, offerings

So, now that you have had a crash course in color theory, enjoy all springtime has to offer and have fun using these colors with a purpose!