Heartland Marketing Group will be closed on Monday, May 25, as our nation honors those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.


We all seek responsiveness in our significant others and 911 dispatchers. Now, more than ever, we need responsiveness in our electronic communications, too!

In April this year, Google changed the way they rank websites in search results. Mobile-friendly (responsive) websites now rank higher than non-responsive sites.

This action prompted us at HMG to reformat our own new website to be mobile-friendly! When you visit on your smart phone or tablet, you will see the results.

Is your website responsive? If not, we can help! Investing in this upgrade now will benefit you in several ways. Of course you will be ranked higher on Google search results but you will also have your content seen and used by more people who do their surfing on mobile devices. That’s really what’s important.

In addition to mobile-friendly websites, we have also learned 65 percent of enewsletters are read on mobile devices. We’re making sure the enewsletters we publish – including this one – are all formatted with this in mind as well.

It’s a mad, mad, mobile world and being prepared to communicate appropriately is what HMG will do for you. Let us help you be responsive and readable!


The Iowa Transportation Commission is expected to approve the new Five Year Plan for construction projects around the state at their meeting on June 9. Contained in the plan is programming that will see statewide four-lane US 20 completed by the end of calendar year 2018.

Congratulations to our customer, the US 20 Corridor Association, for their successful, passionate, and indefatigable advocacy for this project! We are proud to have assisted you with communications for more than 20 years.

The Association’s advocacy will continue until the project opens to traffic!